How do I get a library card?
A Flat Rock Public Library card is free to all residents of Flat Rock, Gibraltar and Rockwood. Applications for library cards must be made in person at the Flat Rock Public Library Circulation desk. You must have a Michigan Driver's license or other piece of identification which establishes residency in order to obtain a library card.
Adult cards are available for everyone 18 years of age and over.
Youth in first grade up to 17 years may also apply for a library card. A parent or guardian must co-sign the application form in person at the library. Rockwood & Gibraltar youth must be 11 years old or older for a library card.
A RESTRICTED NON-RESIDENT LIBRARY CARD can be purchased for $50.00 from the Flat Rock Public Library, and is good for one year, for use only at the Flat Rock Public Library.
If you reside in Brownstown Township, you must go to Trenton Veterans Memorial Library for your library card. If you reside in Huron Township, you must go to Romulus Public Library for your library card. After you get your library card, you can borrow materials, access the computers, etc. here at Flat Rock Public Library. Every 3 years, you will need to renew your card at your home library.