Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 28. 2014
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 28, 2014
Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m.
Present: Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith, Tom MacDonald, Ruth Vack, Frank Hamet.
Guests: Linda Mulder, Mayor Jonathan Dropiewski.
Motion by Gagne, supported by Vack to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald to approve the minutes of May 7, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Mayor Dropiewski noted there were slight errors or corrections in the budget.
706.800 - Clerical should be $11,070.
994.000 - Rent should be $163,058. Plus undetermined agent fees 964.000 - Tax Refunds (a recurring, fixed amount) should be $8,175.
1. Roof Quotes: 1 quote for $1200. received. Director will see if damage is covered by insurance company. Continue to receive quotes until Friday.
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Vack to approve roof repairs by a company of the Director's discretion, not to exceed $1200. Motion carried.
2. Contract Communities: Table to July meeting.
3. Director Interviews: 4 interviews conducted. Director will check the references of the top candidate and schedule a meeting with the Mayor.
4. Computer Upgrade: Divide upgrades into 3 groups for update: #1 Adult, #2 Children, #3 Staff. Begin update of group 1 as soon the tax funds are received. Take staff computers off internet system. Need additional $3300 in computer expenses budget.
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 28,2014
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Motion by MacDonald, supported by Hamet to budget $7300 for Adult and Child computer upgrade with operating system, as soon as possible. Motion carried.
1. Director discussion with Brian Marciniak, City Treasurer:
a. July and August 2014 financial picture: Funds not available to hire new Director until Sept. 8,2014. Mulder will continue as Director until then.
b. What and how to inform new director of hiring time frame: Director will talk to candidate and ask if she will wait until Sept. 8 to for hire date.
c. How to handle not opening 7 days per week until September 2014: Funds will not be available until taxes have been received in Sept.
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Smith, that Director Mulder work until Sept. 8, 2014, to have the new Directors start date as Sept. 8, 2014. Investigate having the library open 6 days a week instead of 7 beginning in September.
Amendment by Gagne that only if budget constraints don't hinder 6 days, otherwise continue at 5 days a week. Motion carried.
2. Benefits Package for Youth Librarian: Table to next meeting.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT: See attached.
Motion by Gagne, supported by MacDonald, to accept the Director's Report as presented Motion carried.
Mayor Dropiewski: The city cannot fund the parking lot repairs, however the city is looking at someway of financing a small capital program. If the library is interested in adding to that finance the Mayor will inform the Library Board as he gathers information.
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 28, 2014
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The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 at 6:00 pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Gagne, supported by Vack to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary
Thomas MacDonald, President
Ruth Vack, Secretary