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Flat Rock Public Library

Flat Rock Public Library Board Minutes September 25, 2013

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes September 25, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:04 p.m.


Present: Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith, Ruth Vack, Tom MacDonald


Guests: Linda Mulder, Library Director


Add Policy #310, Non-resident cards, as #6 under Old Business

Motion by Smith, supported by Vack to approve the Agenda as amended. Motion carried


Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald to approve the minutes of August 28, 2013, as presented. Motion carried.


Director noted $8,700 was mistakenly not inserted in the budget by the Treasurer's office. They are line items 816,827,867, and 900. This will be corrected on the next statement.

Motion by Smith, supported by Vack to approve the Financial Report as presented. Motion carried.


1.       Building Improvement: blinds for heat, light and air control.

2.       Parking Lot Maintenance

3.       Landscaping Maintenance and Improvement

Motion by MacDonald, supported by Smith to table Old Business items 1 through 3. Motion carried.

4.      Millage Reports: Flyers were distributed which contains pertinent information for passage of millage. Discussion regarding 5 key issues to be used in discussion with citizens, patrons, and press

         1.   Restore former 7 day operational hours and services

         2.   Building maintenance, upkeep, and repair as needed

         3.   Continued purchases of library materials for public use

         4.   Continued availability of public computers and printers

         5.   Adequate staffing of the library

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes September 25, 2013

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Motion by MacDonald, supported by Vack to use the 5 key points when discussing or writing an article regarding the millage. Aye: MacDonald, Smith, Vack. Nay: Gagne. Motion carried

5.      New Director Hiring: Board feels we should wait until after the millage before we advertise for a new director.

Motion by Gagne to continue lookingfor a Director. No support. Motionfailed

6.      Policy 310: Non-resident cards. The TLN Board is going to investigate having a set price for non-resident cards for all the TLN Libraries so everyone is charging the same price. Director ofTLN requested we consider removing 310 D. (Non-restricted, non-resident card) from our Policy.

Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to remove Section 310 D from the Policy & Procedure Manual; await recommendation from TLN Motion carried

Director informed the Board that MichiCard will be discontinued. MELCAT (Database run by the Library of Michigan) will take over for MichiCard. We will be doing a lot more interlibrary loans with MELCAT. TLN is working on the guidelines to give to us to run the program.


1.    Library Board "Patron Appreciation Day": It was suggested the Board show our appreciation for our patrons by having a 'tea' for them. Coffee, tea, cookies, and donuts will be provided on Wednesday, October 23rd from 5 to 7 in the Activity Room. Questions about the millage may be addressed at this time.

Motion by Gagne, supported by MacDonald to approve Patron Appreciation Day with the 'tea '. Motion carried

2.   Library Board Thank You Letter to Employees: Table to November meeting.


DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached).

Treasurer created a line item (271/446.1) for Non-resident library cards. Funds will not go into Contract Community as previously required. We have approximately $600 in the fund which we can spend for collection materials.

A Flat Rock Resident came in requesting to use a library computer without a library card. She was informed she must have a valid card to use the computers. She had forgotten hers and chose

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes September 25, 2013

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not to go home to get it. The Director posed the question of exceptions to the policy for certain people. The Board confirmed that no exceptions to the P&P should be made.

Some vandalism problems in the bathroom have been repaired.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Sue Huntley, the President of the Friends was given the flyer with the noted changes by the Board. The millage signs are available. The Friends will pay for the coffee and cookies at the Patron Appreciation Day.



Vack: None

Smith: None

MacDonald: What is the Timeframe for Director's departure? Depending on outcome of millage it will be Plan A or Plan B. By the end of November 5th or 6th we will know if the millage has passed. Plan A - If it passes we should begin the hiring process immediately (post the position, interview, etc.) she could be gone by the end of December. Plan B - we will still have to hire someone but probably part time. Continue to stress the positive image of the library in the community.

Gagne: Stressed the need to continue saving money in our budget by cutting down further on expenses.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 20, 2013 at 6:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by MacDonald, supported by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7 :25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary  

Paul Gagne, President

Ruth Vack, Secretary

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