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Flat Rock Public Library

Flat Rock Public Library Board Archived Minutes Nov.28, 2012

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes November 28, 2012

Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m.


             Present:     Tom MacDonald., Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith, Ruth Vack

                              Wendy Clark was introduced as our new Board member

            Also Present: Linda Mulder, Library Director

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Gagne requested water leak be added to Old Business. Smith requested Fund Raising Suggestions be added to New Business.

Motion by Gagne, supported by Vack to approve the Agenda with the inclusions. Motion carried .


Motion by Gagne, supported by MacDonald to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.


Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to approve the Financial Report as presented. Motion carried.


          1. Building Improvement: blinds for heat, light and air control. Table

          2. Parking Lot Maintenance: Table

          3.Landscaping Maintenance: Eventually shrubs will need to be removed/replaced, iron landscaping edging repaired and flower beds redone. Table

           4. Overdrive Group (E Books Download Destination): Table

           5. Copy Machine: rental continues. Table

           6. Library Fund Line Items: Will be discussed under New Business.

           7. TLN Director Visit: February 27, 2013 has been scheduled for the TLN Director, Jim Pletz, to appear before the Library Board to explain TLN services to the library. Our Library Director requested the Board make a list of questions for him particularly addressing possible ways to trim TLN costs.

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes November 28, 2012

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          8. Missing Item Project: 704 patrons have been blocked (not allowed to use the library's computers or check out items) for owing over $20. After discussion it was decided that February would be declared Amnesty month: Meaning everyone will be free of charges when they return the overdue items. The Amnesty notice will be placed in the paper, on Community TV, and on the Library website. Beginning in January, the Circulation employees will begin calling the blocked patrons to request the items be returned, and advise them of the Amnesty.

Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald that February be declared Amnesty month for all overdue library items, the library will call the blocked patrons in January, and advertise this. intent as soon as possible. Motion carried.

9. Existing Fire Sprinkler System Backflow Prevention Device: Ace Sprinkler has quoted a price of $1650 to replace the leaking device with labor donated by the owner Dave Theisen. Ace is the company that does our mlliual fire sprinkler system inspection.

Motion by Gagne supported by Smith to hire Ace Sprinkler to replace the device and exclude the bid process due to the fact that he has done our sprinkler system repairs in the past. Motion carried.


1.          2013-14 Budget Presentation: As requested Sue Daddario presented a proposed balanced budget. (see attached)

Motion by Gagne to accept the Working Budget as presented, supported by Vack. Motion carried.

2.           Fund Raising Suggestions: The Mayor has suggested we look into fundraising for the library. List of ideas from various sources was reviewed. Fundraising will not be done by the library employees unless they are paid to do it on their unscheduled time. Board members are to look over the list, select an idea and present the action plan at the February meeting.


DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached)

A copy of 2013 Library Closings and Board meeting dates were included in our packets. They were approved as presented.


MacDonald: None

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes November 28, 2012

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Vack: She has received good comments from the community regarding the library.

Smith: None

Clark: None

Gagne: Welcomed Wendy to the Board and wished everyone Happy Holidays.

Director: For the January Library Board meeting the Director requested the Library Board be prepared to work on requirements for hiring a new director in 2013. Job Postings are found on Michigan Library Assoc. and TLN websites. The Board is encouraged to read them to develop FRPL requirements.

The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 at 6:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by MacDonald, supported by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary

Paul Gagne, President                            Date

Ruth Vack, Secretary                              Date