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Flat Rock Public Library

Flat Rock Public Library Board Archived Minutes March 27, 2013

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes March 27, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:03 p.m.


Present: Tom MacDonald, Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith, Wendy Clark Excused: Ruth Vack

Guests: Mayor Jonathan Dropiewski, Linda Mulder, Library Director


Motion by Smith, supported by Gagne to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried.


Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to approve the minutes of January 23, 2013 and the Special Meeting minutes of February 27, 2013 as presented. Motion carried.

APPROVAL OF FINANCIAL REPORT: March Financial Report was distributed

Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to table the Financial Report to the next meeting. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Mayor Dropiewski made a Special Presentation "Goals of the City and the Library" to the Board. Highlights included:

Library bond will be paid in 4 years. The Library and the City will be facing some potential fiscal impacts of the new Health care law if an employee works over 29 hours per week. Regarding the budget: The city cannot zero out line items like bank charges, janitor, clerical, auditor in our budget. Those numbers need to stay in our budget. The city could give the library an operating subsidy of $40,000 which would cover most of these expenses. If we adopt the revised budget, the spend level is approx .. $439,000 with revenue of $402,000. With the city subsidy of $40,000 the total would be $442,000. Everything is dependent on adopting this budget by July 1st. If we adopt this the Mayor will go to the City Council and request the $40,000 city assistance. The city would not be committed to an annual subsidy. Millage: The Library could ask for a time limited (5 years?) increase in millage from the citizens. This could cover our bond payment. Would the library be charged rent by the city after the bond is paid? That is up to city council. Mayor would not recommend continuing to charge the library $162,000 per year in rent as it would be needed for building improvement and maintenance. The Library board will be given copies of revised budget for review at the April 24, 2013 Library Board meeting. It is the preference of the board to get the $40,000 for fiscal year 2013-14. When the city budget for next year comes out, barring any major complications, you would see a line item in that for a $40,000 transfer as an operating subsidy to the Flat Rock Public Library. The Library should curtail spending for the rest of this fiscal year to preserve the fund balance as it is unknown about personal property tax and healthcare, the two major potential issues we will be facing in the next 18 months). The only condition to the city giving us $40,000 is that we adopt the revised budget that is livable and able to operate the library on the amount of $442,000. The Mayor told the Library Board they could not spend their fund balance which is expected to be approximately $60,000 to $80,000 for fiscal year 2013/14. The presentation ended at 7:05 pm

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes March 27, 2013

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         1.            Building Improvement: blinds for heat, light and air control. Table

         2.            Parking Lot Maintenance: Table

         3.            Landscaping Maintenance: Table

         4.      Overdrive Group (E Books Download Destination): Table

Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald to table 1 through 4 Old Business items. Motion carried.

        5.            If a respectable number of applications have not been received we will post on MLA website for 2 weeks at $50 per week. Posting will read 35 hrs/wk at $24/hr. It is recommended that a Class IV Library Director work 35 hours or more per week. A Hiring Panel consisting of Mulder, Gagne, Smith, and Peggy Bryan will open the applications on April 10th at noon in the library.

Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to advertise position on the MLA website for 35 hrs/wk at $24/hr. Posting will not exceed 2 weeks. Motion carried.


1.      CIPA Compliance: Children's Internet Compliance Act. New policy presented.

Motion by MacDonald, supported by Smith to accept CIPA Service Policy, Section 3.20 A as presented. It will be added to our Policy & Procedure Manual. Motion carried.

2.      2014 Closing Schedule - Table

Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to table to next meeting. Motion carried.

3.            City Council Minutes Online - The library houses the City Council Minutes, we are running out of storage room. Since the minutes are online the Director is requesting we no longer make hard copies and that we move them to another location. Director will check with City Hall to see if they need them and where they could be housed. Table

4.            Millage: Determine the process, millage needed to maintain our current level of activity service, yearly % of millage, limited time or in perpetuity, and date to place it on the ballot.

Motion by Smith, supported by Gagne to have Director contact Attorney Grunow for information on the increase in millage procedures. Motion carried.

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes March 27, 2013

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DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached)

Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald to approve the Director's Report. Motion carried.

CORRESPONDENCE: 5 applications have been received to date.


Smith: None

MacDonald: MacDonald questioned what is happening with the Amnesty program. The employee who was assigned to work one hour a day calling the patrons regarding the missing items has resigned. We need to find someone else. Many of the phone numbers have been disconnected leaving no way for contact. Two contacted patrons have paid their fines.

Clark: None

Gagne: Requested volunteers for the "County Blast" on June 15th. at Huroc Park. He will bring specifics to the next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at 7:00pm. Budget and applications will be discussed. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by MacDonald, supported by Clark to adjourn the meeting at 8:18pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary

Paul Gagne, President              Date

Ruth Vack, Secretary              Date