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Flat Rock Public Library

Flat Rock Public Library Board Minutes August 28, 2013

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes August 28, 2013

Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m.


Present: Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith, Ruth Vack, Tom MacDonald.

Absent: Wendy Clark Resigned (term expired)                                                                  .

Guests: Susan Huntley, Friends ofthe Library President, Linda Mulder, Library Director


Motion by Smith, supported by Vack to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried


Motion by Smith, supported by Vack to approve the minutes of July 24, 2013, and the minutes of the Special Meeting on June 5, 2013 as presented. Motion carried.


Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald to approve the June Financial Report as presented. Motion carried.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Susan Huntley, reported on the Millage Campaign Committee (Huntley; Smith and MacDonald) meeting where they discussed methods of providing information to the residents to promote passage of the millage. The Friends will finance the campaign not to exceed $1,000. Bookmarks, Flyers, 100 2 sided yard signs, and a large poster will be ordered. Advertisement will begin Sept. 6th• Newspapers will be contacted. It will be stressed that the requested millage is temporary, for 5 years only. The millage will allow the library to:

1.     RESTORE former 7 day operational hours and services

2.     building maintenance, upkeep, and repair as needed

3.     continued purchases of library materials for public use

4.     continued availability of public computers and printers

5.     adequate staffing of the library

6.     possible securing an adequate savings account to fund emergencIes such as furnace replacement/repair and roof replacement/repair.


The Board thanked Mrs. Huntley for her cooperation and hard work; and looks forward to working with the Friends.


1.   Building Improvement blinds for heat, light and air control.

2.   Parking Lot Maintenance

3.   Landscaping Maintenance and Improvement

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes August 28, 2013

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Motion by MacDonald, supported by Smith to table Old Business items 1 through 3. Motion carried.

4.   Millage: Discussed under Public Comment above

5.   2013/14 Amended Budget: The revised Budget is attached. Moneys received from Gibraltar residents for FRPL non-resident cards have been received. Treasurer advised Director that they must go to account 446 - Contract Communities.

6.   Service Policy 3.10 was distributed.



DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached). BCBSM requested we place brochures with holder and a 2x5 banner in the lobby explaining the new Mfordable Care Act through BCBSM. In return they would give us $200. The information would only be here for 8 weeks. If it becomes a problem we will contact them and tell them it is not working. The $200 will go into Contract Communities account 446.

Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald to place brochures and banner in the lobby. Motion carried.

Director reported we have received $81.75 from Community Center book sale, Big Boy total was $82 from book sale, and $213 from the 10% meal offer, total $295. We received a State Aid check for $3,289.70. This was approx. the same as last year.

Letter from Mayor Dropiewski - See Board Comments.

CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Mayor Dropiewski.


Vack: Noted all Board members and Director received a recent, though undated, letter from the Mayor regarding a complaint from a resident stating she was denied access to the Library restroom. Clarification was requested from the Director regarding the Mayor's allegations. Director stated that the informal restroom policy has been that only Library patrons could request the Restroom key; others were re-directed to the public restrooms in the public park. The Director asked the Mayor if he could provide large restroom signage on the public park restrooms as most people that came to the Library from the park to use the Library restrooms were not aware of any public restrooms in the public park. The Library had less than part- time custodial service in

Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes August 28, 2013

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the past, and by encouraging non-patrons to use the public park restrooms, the vandalism, cleaning costs and cost of Library restroom supplies had been greatly reduced.

In the future, the Library restrooms will continue to be available to all Library patrons and the public, and the keys will be available on the counter. It must be noted, however, that the Library Board will no longer be able to assure the customary cleanliness, nor the reduced cost of custodial supplies and the additional custodial services needed. Also, the Board feels there may be more vandalism, and this will also impact the budget to a greater extent.

Smith: None

MacDonald: None

Gagne: Confusion on interpretation of our Budget in the Treasurers office. In the future when we submit a memo to the Treasurer it will be signed by both the Director and President. Wendy Clark's term expired August 17, 2013. The Mayor needs to appoint a new member to the Board.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2013 at 6:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by MacDonald, supported by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary

Paul Gagne, President

Ruth Vack, Secretary

