Flat Rock Public Library Board Meeting Minutes 12/3/14
Flat Rock Public Library
Board of Directors
Minutes December 3, 2014
Meeting called to order at 4:05 p.m.
Present: Charlene Smith, Tom MacDonald, Frank Hamet, Ruth Vack
Paul Gagne arrived at 6:00
Guests: Rachel Lee, Susan Huntley, Mayor Dropiewski, Pat Sells, Jan Friend
Motion by Hamet, supported by Smith to approve the Agenda as presented. Motion carried
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Hamet to approve the minutes of September 24, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Hamet to approve the Special Meeting minutes of October 21, 2014 as presented. Motion carried.
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Hamet to table the Financial Report. Motion carried.
Pat Sell would like to see the library open until 8 p.m. weekdays. Commented that the flags were not always in accord with the Governor’s proclamations. Concerned with snow removal this winter.
The Board thanked her for her concern for the library and her comments.
Mayor Dropiewski stated he would like to discuss the timesheets with the Director. The Audit has been completed and the library fund balance is $45,000. The city is requesting the library return the $40,000 it gave FRPL. The money will be used for repairs of Aspen Rd. and our cameras. He would like a decision before the fiscal year end. Place on January agenda. Other requests, identify a project for the Eagle Scouts and compare build vs buy computers.
Flat Rock Public Library
Board of Directors Minutes
December 3, 2014
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1. Contract Community: Director will negotiate the contract.
Motion by Hamet, supported by MacDonald that on agreement with Rockwood the contract of $65 per resident will begin January 1, 2015. Motion carried.
2. Building, Parking Lot, External Lights, and Landscaping: Tabled indefinitely.
1. Friends of the Library Presentation: President Sue Huntley gave a short history of the Friends. Question arose regarding the propriety of a FRPL employee also being on the Friends Board. There is no mention in the By-Laws. There will be a meeting on Dec. 11th. The Friends do not have 501C3 status, if applying for a Grant we may use the Community Foundation’s number. Friends have $3,200 in savings and around $300 in checking.
2. Youth Librarian Compensation Package: Presented for approval.
Motion by Hamet, supported by Smith to approve the compensation package as presented. Motion carried.
3. Service Policy Proposals 3.17 – Meeting Rooms and 3.20 – Computer Usage Policy:
Meeting Rooms: 3.20 No charge for Non-profits, charge of $50 for Profit Making organizations.
Motion by Hamet, supported by Smith to raise usage fee for the Meeting Rooms from $25 to $50 for Profit Making organizations. Motion carried.
Update 3.20 to read $5.00 for fees
Motion by Hamet, supported by MacDonald to lower the amount of fees a patron owes from $10 to $5.00 to use the computer
Remove #11 and printing charges section from 3.20
Motion by Hamet, supported by MacDonald to remove #11 and Printing charges from 3.20. Motion carried.
#12 Visitor’s Pass used as a way of using our computer when they have unpaid fines. Only issue visitor’s pass at Director’s discretion after reviewing the Visitor Pass logbook.
May require a policy at a later date.
Flat Rock Public Library
Board of Directors Minutes
December 3, 2014
Page 3 of 4
4. Library Board Meetings 2015: January, March, May, July, September, November meetings at 4:30 p.m.
5. Library Openings/Closings 2015: Table to January meeting.
6. Revision of Budget Line Items: Transfer $1000 from Hospitalization (271-719) to MERS (271-722) since Director and Youth Librarian are opting out of MERS.
Motion by Hamet, supported by MacDonald to approve the transfer.
Aye – MacDonald, Hamet, Smith, Vack. Nay – Gagne. Motion carried.
Establish line item in budget for Substitute Librarian (271-708.7) with funds coming out of Clerical and Pages (271-705.7). Approximate $10,000 excess was to cover possible 7 days a week coverage.
Motion by Hamet, supported by MacDonald to approve the line item and transfer.
Aye – MacDonald, Hamet, Smith, Vack. Nay – Gagne. Motion carried.
Transfer $2,200 from Clerical & Pages (271-705.7) to Janitor Services (271-706.7) to accommodate being open 6 days a week.
Motion by Hamet, supported by MacDonald to approve the transfer.
Aye – MacDonald, Hamet, Smith, Vack. Nay – Gagne. Motion carried.
7. Reference Schedule: Director will review rules on librarian being at Reference desk at all times and report at next meeting.
8. Copy Machine Quotes: Director received 3 proposals (attached). Mayor suggested she contact Brian at City Hall to possibly be included in their contract, if it is cost effective.
DIRECTOR’S REPORT: See attached.
Motion by Smith, supported by MacDonald, to accept the Director’s Report as presented. Motion carried.
Flat Rock Public Library
Board of Directors Minutes
December 3, 2014
Page 4 of 4
Gagne: Inquired if insurance claim on roof leak was settled. Director will follow-up.
Smith: None
Vack: Make sure we are preparing for building repair
Hamet: None
MacDonald: Spoke to Mulder asking if she felt Lee needed any further training, she does not. Lee feels she no longer needs Mulder’s training. Mulder is now officially retired.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 4, 2015 at 4:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by MacDonald, supported by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 6:56 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie O’Hara
Recording Secretary
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Thomas MacDonald, President Date
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Ruth Vack, Secretary Date