Flat Rock Public Library Archived Board Minutes September 26, 2012
Flat Rock Public Library
Board of Directors
Minutes September 26, 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Present: Tom MacDonald, Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith
Excused: Ruth Vack arrived at 7 :25 pm
Also Present: Linda Mulder, Library Director
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Director requested Library Director hours be added under New Business.
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Smith to approve the Agenda with the inclusion. Motion carried
Motion by MacDonald, supported by Smith to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
If everything goes as proj ected there will be a year end fund balance of $10, 000 to 11,000.Board needs to continue to look at each line item and for ways to cut expenses. Come to January meeting prepared to look at the budget. Director recommended we hire former Board President Daddario as a consultant to review the budget and make recommendations for next years budget. She will make her recommendations at the November meeting.
Motion by Smith, supported by Gagne to hire Susan Daddario for 2 hours at her current pay rate to work on the budget and present her recommendations at the November meeting. Director will ask Daddario to attend the November Board meeting Motion carried.
Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to approve the Financial Report as presented. Motion carried.
1. Building Improvement: blinds for heat, light and air control. Table
2. Parking Lot Maintenance: Because it has been 3 years the parking lot resurfacing will be more extensive next time. We share the parking lot with the fountain, playscape and Historical Society. The library does not have the funds to resurface at this time. Also, several bricks in the sidewalk are sinking. Table
3. Landscaping Maintenance: Eventually shrubs will need to be removed//replaced, iron landscaping edging repaired and flower beds redone. Table
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes September 26, 2012
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4. Overdrive Group (E Books Download Destination): 43 of the 65 libraries belong now.
The initial cost to join is $4,000 and $3,000 per year thereafter. We will need to join in the near future to service our patrons. Director will request Daddario to make it a line item and find a line item(s) to decrease, possibly Reference and Non-fiction. If the Director can find the $4,000 the Board supports joining Overdrive Group (possibly in January).
5. Copy Machine: rental continues. Table
6. Library Fund Line Items: (see attached) List to be sent to the City Treasurer per Board request with special emphasis on part 2, "Line items that the Library Board needs an invoice/bill to approve before payment". This will better enable us to have a balanced budget.
Motion by Gagne, supported by Smith to accept the attached Library Fund Line Items list subject to change/review. Director will send it to the City Treasurer with a note stating it has received Board approval. Motion carried.
1. TLN Director visit: TLN will visit the library to explain their services if requested.
Board did not feel it necessary.
2. Letter and gift to Janice Friend: Friend declined a gift but requested any monetary donations be made to Friends of the Library in her name.
3. Hiring a company to help recover missing items: newspaper article distributed which explains cost and procedure to recover long overdue materials. Board did not feel we need to hire a company at this time. Requested Director to compile a list of patrons owing over $25 and report at the November meeting. Director will call Trenton Library to gather information on the company. FRPL will consider amnesty for overdue materials for a month, and then send a letter, ifno response turn over to the agency.
4. Library Director Hours: Director requested a change in her schedule to better handle the demands of her position. 24 hours (3 days) per week not sufficient to do Reference Librarian and Director work.
Motion by Gagne, supported by MacDonald to change the Directors hours from 24 hours (3 days) per week to 32 hours (4 days) per week effective October 1, 2012. Motion carried.
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes September 26, 2012
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DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached)
The updated list of Board members was distributed and approved. Director noted she needed to make a correction. "My impression was that the Treasurer is only paying bills on a monthly basis. That is incorrect. They are paid as they are sent over except a couple at the end of the month. These month end bills are multiples as they are for book invoices".
Ruth Vack received letter of reappointment.
Gagne: Questioned the need for monthly meetings? Board noted we may need monthly meetings after January to work on the budget among other items. Director will make a schedule and submit it to the Board at the November meeting. Add to Old Business on the November agenda.
Asked Board to think of creative ways to raise money to be used for building improvements.
Vack: If anyone knows a potential library board candidate ask them to submit a letter of intent to the Mayor.
MacDonald: None
Smith: None
The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 28, 2012 at 6:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by MacDonald, supported by Smith to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary
Paul Gagne, President
Ruth Vack, Secretary