Flat Rock Public Library Archived Board Minutes May 23, 2012
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 23, 2012
Meeting called to order at 6:10 p.m.
Present: Jan Friend, Ruth Vack, Tom MacDonald, Paul Gagne
Excused: Charlene Smith
Also Present: Linda Mulder, Library Director
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Friend requested "Security Cameras" be added under New Business.
Motion by Friend, supported by to approve agenda with the inclusions. Motion carried
Motion by Gagne, supported by MacDonald to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried.
Friend questioned the discrepancy in the Bond payment, $162,820, $162,520, $162,017, $162,446. What is the correct figure?
The Library was charged $162.47 for Retirement Contributions in April. The Library does not have a retirement plan at this time.
Friend and Director will ask the City Treasurer for clarification and report at the next meeting. They will monitor financial reports for corrections.
Motion by Friend, supported by Gagne to accept the March 2012 and April 2012 Financial Reports subject to questions of Bond payment and Retirement Contributions. Motion carried.
1. Building Maintenance: blinds for heat, light and air control: Table
2. Parking Lot Maintenance: Table
3. Landscaping Maintenance: Table
4. Library Board Minutes Posted on Library Website: They are posted on the library website after board approval (www.frlib.org ).
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 23, 2012
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1. Water Billing: We are now receiving a water bill from the city. Director projects bill would be approximately $450 per year. Director will include on new list of auto-pay bills. Board to add to Budget in the future.
2. Backflow requirements: Error, City taking care of this.
3. Library Security System: The Director was informed that the Police Department was not going to maintain the system for the library. The Director spoke to Dennis about planning an in-house system.
Motion by Friend, supported by MacDonald to cancel Comcast. Table the remainder of the discussion until further information is available. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached)
Kudos to David Maurer on the Spring Newsletter. The suggestion was made that it be emailed to all our patrons that sign up for it. Sign up sheet could be posted in the front.
Also Kudos to Connie Biccum on her Head Start Class Visits and for the Youth Summer Program that has been planned.
No further contact from AARP for possible AARP paid employee for gardening.
Tutoring: There are no issues with tutoring which is currently being conducted at the tables in the adult area. If there is too much disruption during the summer, the tutors may be moved to the Activity Room.
Late Fees: Library sends bills to Treasurer for payment within 2 days of their receipt, but because the city only pays bills once a month the library is incurring late fees. Gagne will take examples to Treasure for explanation and solution
Gibraltar may prove to be a potential Contract Community and the director is collecting data concerning population of Gibraltar and how many of that population now have library cards.
Brochures: City is creating a new brochure advertising the city.
Motion by Friend, supported by Vack that Director review and approve updated brochures. Cost of changes and printing not to exceed $500. Aye Friend, Vack, MacDonald. Opposed Gagne. Motion carried.
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes May 23, 2012
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Gagne: The 10 year payback for Auto Alliance is $7,724 per month. ($77,244)
Vack: Commented on the two new people on the desk
MacDonald: Bernice the will be 99 years old. Library will have a small party for her.
Friend: Questioned why a check was issued for Employee Health Insurance on 4-5-12.
Noted the library has been very busy.
The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 25,2012 at 6:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Friend, supported by Gagne to adjourn the meeting at 7:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary
Jan Friend, President
Ruth Vack, Secretary