Flat Rock Public Library Archived Board Minutes July 25, 2012
Flat Rock Public Library Archived Board Minutes July 25, 2012
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes July 25,2012
Meeting called to order at 6:01 p.m.
Present: Jan Friend, Ruth Vack, Tom MacDonald, Paul Gagne, Charlene Smith
Also Present: Mayor Jonathan Dropiewski, Linda Mulder, Library Director
APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Friend requested Mayor Dropiewski be added under Public Comment.
Motion by Gagne, supported by Vack, to approve the Agenda with the inclusion. Motion carried
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Due to the fact that there were errors and omissions on the minutes included in the Board Packets (because the tape was not legible); the minutes were collected and the corrected minutes were distributed. Discussion regarding more detailed minutes being taken in the future.
Motion by Gagne, supported by MacDonald to approve the minutes distributed at the meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Questions on the Revenue & Expenditure Report:
719 Health Ins. $23.40 - we do not pay for health insurance.
721 Longevity Pay ($250) - Change of Maurer's classification; will be $0 next budget. 722 Retirement Contrib. $102.86 was an error.
731 Telecommunications ($1,093.64) - Now fiber optics. 808 Audit Fee ($745) - this is a new amount.
816 Membership & Dues ($538) - MLA Membership, not individual.
931 Building Maint. $6,580.61 for Meade monthly maintenance. Director to send memo and information on the library furnaces to Bill Vack before they include us in the new contract. Also request cost and what % of the contract the library pays.
Rent 994. ($428.25) Friend distributed the General Obligation Bond report through 2017-18. Our 2012-13 payment will be $162,520.
Motion by Smith, supported by Vack to accept the May 31, 2012 Comparative Bat. with corrections and subject to questions regarding Bond payment and Building Maintenance. Motion carried.
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes July 25, 2012
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PUBLIC COMMENT: Restrooms, Departmental Cooperation, Board meeting notification. Mayor Dropiewski inquired if the library restrooms were open to the public. Noted they are public restrooms and should be open and available to all. Director noted that besides library patrons the visitors to the p1ayscape, fountain, baseball diamonds, and Historical Society utilize the library restrooms. We budget for custodial care only for the library patrons. Director will look into the legalities of only being open to library patrons.
If there is a lack of cooperation securing financial reports from the Treasurer's office let the Mayor know as the Treasurer works for the Mayor.
Confirmed City Clerk will be notified of the time and date of Library Board meetings. Estimated deficit for the year is $128,000 - 30% structural deficit.
The library was not included in the city's consolidation of copiers and phones. Director will gather information on a new copier and the Mayor will inquire about the phones.
1. Building Maintenance: blinds for heat, light and air control: Rename Building Improvement. Table
2. Parking Lot Maintenance: Because it has been 3 years the parking lot resurfacing will be more extensive next time. We share the parking lot with the fountain, playscape and Historical Society. The library does not have the funds to resurface at this time. Also, several bricks in the sidewalk are sinking. Table
3. Landscaping Maintenance: A man has been hired to do light maintenance (see Director's report). Eventually shrubs will need to be removed replaced, Iron landscaping edging repaired and flower beds redone. Table
4. Security camera setup: Although the Board voted to cancel Comcast at the last meeting we now find we need it. The system is now working (see Director's Report).
Motion by Friend, supported by Gagne to continue to pay Comcast and dissolve the motion of the May 23rd meeting to cancel Comcast. Aye: Friend, Gagne, Vac1e, Smith. Nay: MacDonald. Motion carried.
5. City Treasurer clarifications on a retirement contribution and health insurance premium paid after Apri11, 2012: The Mayor explained that this has been corrected. Not actual errors but Accrual Based Accounting.
Flat Rock Public Library
Board of Directors Minutes July 25, 2012
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1. Election of Officers for years 2012-14.
President Jan Friend resigned from the Library Board for personal reasons, effective tomorrow. She noted a new member will need to be appointed. Gagne, on behalf of the entire Board thanked Jan for her years of work and dedication. She has been an invaluable asset to the Library and will be greatly missed.
The nominations were:
President: Gagne and MacDonald. MacDonald declined.
Vice-President: MacDonald
Secretary/Treasurer: Vack
Motion to elect Gagne President, MacDonald Vice-President, Vack Secretary Treasurer to a two (2) year term. Motion carried.
DIRECTOR'S REPORT: (See attached)
Wayne County Payments to the Library for 07.01.11-06.30.12: Penal Fines - $8,183.57 and Motor Vehicle Fines - $3,027.93. The total is down about $1,000 from the last fiscal year.
The copier lease was up 6/11 and was extended for 1 year. Director will look for a lower payment (new vs the one we currently rent). She will also check with Lorene at City Hall.
Lila in Local History is having eye trouble. It was suggested the library hire someone to work 8 hours per week in the Local History Room with Lila training them and the Historical Society would pay for the employee.
Motion by Friend, supported by Vack to work with the Historical Society in finding a solution to hiring someone to work in the library Local History room. Motion carried.
Director suggested some information could be distributed via email to the Board members. All members are online with the exception of Vack. They will supply the Director with their email addresses.
Gagne: Inquired if we are still pursuing Grants and how the tutoring is going. Director and Recording Secretary continue to investigate potential Grants. No problems with tutoring at the library.
Flat Rock Public Library Board of Directors Minutes July 25,2012
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Vack: If anyone knows a potential library board candidate ask them to submit a letter of intent to the Mayor.
MacDonald: Inquired if there have been any complaints about the library hours. None. Inquired if the City of Gibraltar had expressed interest in joining the library. 1165 Gibraltar residents currently have active Trenton Library cards. The city would have to give us their penal fines as well as paying for each library card. The Mayor of Gibraltar does not wish to participate per Gagne. Closed
Smith: None
Friend: The birthday party for Bernice Boyer, our 99 year old employee was a great success. She is sorry none the City Council was able to attend. Monroe County millage renewal newspaper story distributed and discussed.
Mayor: The Community Center has a collection can which is used to collect used books. They are then donated to a worthy cause. Wondered if the library could have a book sale to raise funds. Director explained we have held book sales for many years and have an ongoing sale every day. We accept donations of books, videos, DVD's, etc. which are sometimes used for the ongoing book sale. The Mayor also commented that he believes the library mismanages funds. Director and President strongly objected to the comment.
The next regular meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 26,2012 at 6:00pm. There being no further business to discuss a motion was made by Gagne, supported by Vack to adjourn the meeting at 7:48 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie O'Hara Recording Secretary
Jan Friend, President Date
Ruth Vack, Secretary Date